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gping是一个跨平台的命令行程序,当您尝试ping主机或网站时,该程序会在终端内部显示漂亮的图形。 作者这样描述它:“ ping,但带有图形”。
gping使用图形而不是数字和文本显示ping命令的输出。 它是一个用Rust编程语言编写的开源网络实用程序,并在MIT许可下发布。 gping目前支持的平台包括GNU / Linux,macOS和Windows。
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gping是一个跨平台的命令行程序,当您尝试ping主机或网站时,该程序会在终端内部显示漂亮的图形。 作者这样描述它:“ ping,但带有图形”。
gping使用图形而不是数字和文本显示ping命令的输出。 它是一个用Rust编程语言编写的开源网络实用程序,并在MIT许可下发布。 gping目前支持的平台包括GNU / Linux,macOS和Windows。
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gping 1.4.0commit_hash: d8d38bc6build_time: 2022-09-19 20:18:36 +00:00build_env: rustc 1.63.0 (4b91a6ea7 2022-08-08),stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvcPing, but with a graph.USAGE: gping.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [hosts-or-commands]...FLAGS: --cmd Graph the execution time for a list of commands rather than pinging hosts -h, --help Prints help information -4 Resolve ping targets to IPv4 address -6 Resolve ping targets to IPv6 address -s, --simple-graphics Uses dot characters instead of braille -V, --version Prints version informationOPTIONS: -b, --buffer <buffer> Determines the number of seconds to display in the graph. [default: 30] -c, --color <color>... Assign color to a graph entry. This option can be defined more than once and the order which the colors are provided will be matched against the hosts or commands passed to gping. Hexadecimal RGB color codes are accepted in the form of '#RRGGBB' or the following color names: 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'gray', 'dark-gray', 'light-red', 'light-green', 'light-yellow', 'light-blue', 'light- magenta', 'light-cyan', and 'white' --horizontal-margin <horizontal-margin> Horizontal margin around the graph (left and right) [default: 0] --vertical-margin <vertical-margin> Vertical margin around the graph (top and bottom) [default: 1] -n, --watch-interval <watch-interval> Watch interval seconds (provide partial seconds like '0.5'). Default for ping is 0.2, default for cmd is 0.5.ARGS: <hosts-or-commands>... Hosts or IPs to ping, or commands to run if --cmd is provided. Can use cloud shorthands like aws:eu-west-1.
兴国资源网 Design By www.nnzcdc.com
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